Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How Companies Can Make Facebook More Efficient

I found a great article discussing how companies misuse Facebook and often have to pay for it. Brad Smith, from Social Media Today, discusses the 3 worst ways companies waste in social media and I found that he made some very good points.

Smith's first point was that companies do a poor job promoting their social media pages offline. Whether it is a sticker on the front door or a television ad with a Facebook logo in the corner, Smith feels that these tactics are not the correct way to promote the social media pages. People are not likely to be swayed by a Facebook logo in the corner of a TV ad and they really have no reason to. Smith says that a better tactic would involve the company providing some sort of incentive to visit their page as well as more specific instructions on how to reach the page.

Smith's second point was that large companies have, on average, 178 social media accounts. This requires a lot of management. And research has shown that when someone is offered numerous choices of social media, they can freeze up and choose none of them. It would be wiser for these companies to downsize the number of sites they use and increase the focus they put into social media as a whole.

The third point Smith made was that Facebook is now "double-taxing" the companies who use it. They charge extra for the companies to be able to reach more of their followers. Smith says this is not an efficient way to promote your company and it would be wiser for any business to track page visits instead of just the number of likes they have. Smith also says that to find repeat customers, its wiser to use email marketing instead of Facebook.

I feel Smith makes some great points, and I definitely agree with his points about how people are not phased by the Facebook logo in commercials. I see social media logos on TV all the time, but I rarely visit the sites that are promoted. It would make more sense for these companies to have someone state in the commercial to visit the Facebook or Twitter page.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

NBA rookie struggles with anxiety and Twitter

When the Houston Rockets drafted forward Royce White in the 2012 NBA Draft, they knew that White was dealing with a lot of personal and mental problems. White has a fear of flying in airplanes, and also suffers from O.C.D. and anxiety. The team was prepared to  help White overcome these problems so he could help with the rebuilding process that the Rockets have been working on for the past couple of years.

But things got sour between the two parties. White was missing mandatory team practices and events, and eventually started missing regular season games because of his issues. White used Twitter to vent about what he felt was unfair treatment from the team. The Rockets wanted to fine White for missing these events but he felt since he was suffering from mental problems that he should not be punished so harshly.

Through Twitter, White gained a lot of support and followers who heard about his problems. The problem for White was that he was really stirring up trouble for him and his team. White went from bashing one of the team doctors to apologizing to the doctor via Twitter in one night. White didn't want to use the doctor that the Rockets required him to see, but White did not realize that he was allowed to see his own doctor at the same time if he wanted to.

The issue has gotten so out of hand that White has threatened to quit the team for good and the Rockets are now planning to meet with him one-on-one. I think that both parties have to reach some sort of agreement about how to move on very soon. If White does not meet with the team doctor, the Rockets will not be able to keep track of his progress themselves. If he continues to make negative statements about the Rockets on Twitter, it will anger his teammates and executives who are focused on winning games. If the Rockets start fining White, they will be considered insensitive of the issue and will have plenty of bad publicity.

If the two sides can make peace and focus on getting White mentally healthy and ready to contribute to the team, they can turn this disastrous story into one with a happy ending.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

War Between Isreal and Hamas Has Taken to Social Media

"Call it the first social media war." This is what Lawrence Husick, co-chairman for the Center on the Study of Terrorism at the Foreign Policy Research Institute said about the new strategies of Israel and Hamas as they wage a war against each other. The two groups have been using social media hubs like Twitter and YouTube to try to promote their group and their actions as they fight against each other.

The two groups have posted videos of air strikes on YouTube. They have also been posting information about future attacks that sometimes are given to the public before the media can even learn about it. Husick says that the two groups are using social media as propaganda for their causes. In a hotly debated issue, these two groups are trying to promote their side of the war to the world.

I feel that this is a sad use for social media. I do not think that such violent media should be posted for the entire world to see. I could guess that the creators of these social media sites are as equally upset as I am if not a lot more upset. The Philadelphia Inquirer article mentions the earlier political uses of Twitter in Egypt and Tunisia. Those movements were not using violence and the images posted were not those of leaders being murdered.

One of my favorite radio show hosts, Jim Rome, always said that Twitter is like a loaded gun. What he meant was that it was dangerous for famous people to use it because they could instantly destroy their reputation if they made the wrong statements. But now Rome's analogy is quite literal. These two groups are using social media as a weapon against each other. They are trying to show their might and instill fear, but i think that everyone should try their best to boycott these actions.

I do not know exactly how Twitter polices their website, but i do know that they can block accounts. Twitter should try to stop these groups from putting out these violent messages. If they block an account and another one is created, they should just keep trying to block the accounts. It may not be an effective strategy, but it will definitely slow down their efforts and would show that the representatives at Twitter do not approve of such content.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Alan VanderMolen’s Speech on PR a Fun One

For my Live-Tweeting an Event assignment I chose to go to Alan VanderMolen’s speech about public relations and why he loves his job so much. The event, which was put together by the Ohio State PRSSA, was held in Campbell Hall on Wednesday night.
VanderMolen, a former Ohio State communications student, is currently working with Edelman which is the world’s largest PR firm. VanderMolen is very laid back and looked very confident on the stage. He described how the field of public relations has transformed over the years and how new technology continues to transform the industry.
VanderMolen offered up a lot of advice for those in attendance. From the very beginning he urged students to take business and statistics classes. He also mentioned the liberal arts as an important field to study. At the end of the speech VanderMolen told everyone to engulf themselves in numerous cultures, whether it be popular culture, politics, food, or internationally.

I felt VanderMolen was very inspirational and was very likable. He is someone I would love to work for. He genuinely wants to have fun with his work and that’s what everybody wants in their careers.

The PRSSA did a great job setting up the event and even had some hashtags and handles for us to use as well as a number of tips to prepare for the event that helped me a lot.